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first facts

  There's lots to learn and understand about modernized annuities, but that's exactly why MAWG's work is so important. And we're providing easy-to-access information so that you can learn along with us.


   Our first facts in English, French and Cree are a great place to get started.


   These one-page pdfs are a quick way to get up to speed on the basics of Treaty annuities, what they're all about, and how modernizing the annuities is such a powerful tool for empowering First Nations families and communities. Feel free to download first facts and to share them with your friends, colleagues, leaders and community.

first facts

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5 reasons why Treaty annuities have not increased for nearly 150 years

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5 important questions about Treaty annuities


​Les faits en bref

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5 raisons pour lesquelles les annuités découlant des traités n’ont pas été augmentées depuis près de 150 ans

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5 questions déterminantes sur les annuités découlant des traités


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In the works


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In the works


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